Photo of a dog in a field looking at the camera

Every Dog Deserves
the Pet Insurance of Champions

Protect your dog or puppy with award-winning pet coverage through AKC Pet Insurance.

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America’s Best Insurance Companies

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Best Pet Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions

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Best for pets with pre-existing conditions
May 2023

Benefits of AKC Pet Insurance

Built with you in mind, we’re giving pet owners what they really need. A few things people love about us:

explore plans & coverage
  • Exclusive AKC Partner Icon

    Exclusive AKC Partner

    The American Kennel Club is the largest and most-respected canine registry in the world. Since 2003, AKC Pet Insurance has served as their exclusive insurance brand partner.

  • Suit Your Pet and Wallet Icon

    Suit Your Pet and Wallet

    AKC Pet Insurance's selection of policy add-ons and customizable coverage options help you create a plan as unique as your dog or cat.

  • Keep Your Vet Icon

    Keep Your Vet

    Through AKC Pet Insurance, you and your pet can keep your vet and visit any licensed provider in the United States or Canada.

  • Pre-Existing Condition Coverage Icon

    Pre-Existing Conditions

    AKC Pet Insurance is the only brand that offers the industry’s most comprehensive pre-existing condition coverage after 365 days of continuous coverage (not available in all states).

  • Experts on Speed Dial Icon

    Experts on Speed Dial 

    Need answers in the early morning or dead of night? Policyholders can call or chat with the 24/7 Vet Helpline any time of day for quick answers to their pet care questions.

  • Easy Access to Vet Records

    Easy Access to Vet Records

    The Pet Cloud mobile app connects pet owners to a like-minded community, provides a database of pet care resources, and makes it easy to keep medical records and insurance forms organized.

How Does Dog Insurance Work?

We understand that your dog is part of the family—and you care for them like family. Policies offered through AKC Pet Insurance help safeguard your dog's health and protect you from unexpected costs.

  • Pay Your Vet

    Take your dog to any specialist, licensed vet, or emergency clinic. Once you’ve paid the bill, keep your itemized invoice.

  • File a Claim

    Fill out a claim form and submit it to us. We’ll take care of the rest.

  • Get Reimbursed

    We’ll reimburse you for eligible expenses by check or direct deposit.

Whippet in a bedroom on the floor

What Does AKC Pet Insurance Cover?

  • Broken Bones Icon

    Broken Bones

    Don’t let your pet's broken bones break your budget.

  • Cancer Icon


    Rest easy knowing you’re covered for expensive cancer treatments.

  • ACL Injuries Icon

    ACL Illness

    Get your pet moving again after an ACL illness.

  • Toxin Ingestion Icon

    Toxin Ingestion*

    Get help with vet fees after accidental toxin ingestion.

  • Hypothyroidism Icon


    Coverage for diagnosis, treatment, and prescription medications.

  • Digestive Issues Icon

    Digestive Issues

    Make your dog comfortable with treatments on digestive issues.

  • Allergies Icon


    Coverage for your pet's seasonal and long-term allergies.

  • UTIs Icon


    Relax, your pet's covered for UTI testing and treatment.

  • IVDD Icon


    Keep your pet mobile with covered IVDD treatments.

*Foreign body ingestion, catfights/dogfights, and toxin ingestion are only covered once during the lifetime of a pet. See your policy for additional details.
**Covered after 180 days of continuous coverage.

What’s Not Covered?

  • Elective and experimental procedures

  • Obesity treatments

  • Organ transplants

  • Chronic dental conditions like periodontal disease

  • Parasite treatments

  • Prosthesis

For a complete list of exclusions and limitations, check out our sample policies.

Additional Pet Insurance Coverage

Pet Insurance Makes a Big Difference

1 in 3 pets require emergency care each year.*

Emergency veterinary bills total between $800 and $1500 on average.*

Only 39% of American dog and cat owners can afford to cover a $1,000 bill on their own.*


Greyhound illustration
shayna-douglas-rFao8fcvTdY-unsplash 3

Labrador Retriever
1 Year Old

  • Diagnosis


  • AKC Pet Insurance Paid

Policy Details

  • 20%

  • $500

  • Since 2017
    AKCPI Protected

Claim reimbursement is subject to the limits and waiting periods of the policy.

$500 deductible once per year per pet, 20% coinsurance.

activate coverage
Dog being pet in a car.

How Our Coverage Stands Out

When your pet is covered by a policy through AKC Pet Insurance, they’re in good hands. Our coverage speaks for itself.

Not Covered
Not Covered
Insurance plan coverages
Spot Pet Insurance
Fetch Pet Insurance
Pre-Existing Conditions
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
24/7 Vet Helpline
Not Covered
Not Covered
Physical Therapy
Not Covered
Wellness Exam Fees
Not Covered
Not Covered
Exam Fees
Not Covered
Not Covered
Wellness and Prevention Care
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Pregnancy or Birth Complications
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered

* After 365 days of continuous coverage. Not available in all states.
** Limited coverage.

bulldog resting in grass with tongue hanging out and tennis ball held between paws

Ray L

Dog owner

We’ve had AKC insurance since we took our new puppy home, never expecting an accident early in his life. But sure enough when something happened, AKC Pet Insurance was there to help, and help quickly.

April 2023

Questions about Dog Insurance? We Have Answers!

Why do I need dog insurance?

1 in 3 pets require emergency care every year. Scrapes with playmates, slips and falls, and run-ins with household hazards can all leave pet owners contending with hefty vet bills. By providing reimbursement for certain eligible expenses, pet insurance policies alleviate some of the financial burden of owning a dog.

How much does dog insurance cost?

Most policyholders pay an average cost of $550 - $600 annually. Your specific premium will depend on several factors, including your zip code, dog's breed, and age. Any optional policy add-ons you select can also affect the cost of dog insurance coverage. These factors will also affect monthly premium costs:

  • Annual benefits: Enrollees have the option to select plans with annual payouts up to $10,000 for eligible expenses. The higher the annual benefit amount, the higher the plan's premium.

  • Deductibles: Choosing a higher annual deductible means you're responsible for covering more pet care expenses before coverage kicks in. Higher deductibles typically mean lower monthly premiums.

  • Coinsurance and reimbursement: The lower the reimbursement percentage, the lower the monthly dog insurance premium.

Are mixed-breed dogs eligible?

Yes! Policies are available for purebred and mixed-breed dogs alike. We welcome every pup.

Are any breeds or breed-specific conditions excluded?

No. AKC Pet Insurance offers equal availability to all breeds of dog and applies the same policy terms and conditions.

Can I Keep My Veterinarian When I Sign Up for Pet Insurance?

Yes. Policyholders can visit any licensed veterinarian in the United States or Canada. This includes specialists and emergency clinics, because AKC Pet Insurance understands that not all accidents, illnesses, and emergencies occur between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Are behavioral conditions covered?

It depends. Some plans offered through AKC Pet Insurance cover expenses associated with diagnosing and treating behavioral issues such as anxiety and destructive behavior. This coverage is not currently available in every state.

What are inherited and congenital health conditions?

Inherited conditions are health problems that originate from genetic factors. In the case of congenital conditions, these conditions have been present since birth, though their symptoms may take years to appear.

Are inherited conditions covered?

Yes. Policyholders have the option to purchase coverage for several heritable and congenital conditions.

Are exam costs covered?

Standard policies don’t reimburse enrollees for examination fees. Exam Coverage, an optional policy add-on, can help cover some or all these expenses.

Is Routine Care Covered?

Yes. Several routine expenses and preventive care options are covered under Defender and DefenderPlus plans. These plans are not subject to annual deductibles or coinsurance payments. Instead, a schedule of benefits offers an established amount of reimbursement for each specific expense each year.

How Do I Cancel Coverage? Do I Need to Contact Customer Service?

To cancel your pet's insurance plan, contact our world-class Customer Care Team by calling 866-725-2747.

Are You a Breeder?

Pick a plan that's best for you and your champions.

Rough illustration of two dogs.

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